
Are you ready to drive your business to its next level?

At Organizational Physics, we coach expansion-stage businesses to new heights. We work with you to design a new structure, streamline your strategic execution, drive unparalleled performance gains, and develop a culture that thrives. All this, in a fraction of the time you’re currently spending managing your company.

It’s a unique blend of systems thinking and expert coaching tailored to your needs.

To see if our approach is right for you, visit our tutorials, go deeper with a good book, test drive our unique SWOT analysis, or read our case studies.

For expansion-stage CEOs, we offer our premier Designed to Scale CEO coaching program with guaranteed results.

There’s a lot to do here at Organizational Physics.

Drop me a line if I can be of any assistance.



Success Stories in Organizational Scaling

I’ve been a business scaling coach for over a decade and in that time I have learned a lot. Some big wins, some battle scars, and a deeper appreciation for taking a systems thinking approach to growing companies.

In  my coaching practice, I have a unique specialty area. I don’t specialize in a particular type of business or vertical niche. I work with companies across a range of sectors because I specialize in a specific stage of organizational development — the expansion stage, also known as the transition between the Nail It and Scale It stages.

This is a critical and usually rocky period for businesses to navigate. One the one hand, you have nailed product-market fit and growing sales. On the other, the old structure and approach—the one that got you here—isn’t getting you to the next level. How do you scale your company through this transition without losing your entrepreneurial speed and edge?

What I’ve learned is that most companies struggle with this transition. The founders or CEO feel like a bottleneck. There are strong vertical functions like sales, operations, engineering but weak cross-functional coordination. The company may have lost sight of its founding vision and what used to be fast and easy to accomplish inside the company now seems to take too much time and effort to accomplish.

Many companies (myself included when I was a venture-backed CEO) have tried to solve these problems but chose a “cure” that was worse than the original disease, setting themselves back months and years. There are folk cures such as replacing the founder prematurely and losing a powerful innovating force; or attempting a Queen of England structure, in which a single President and COO oversees the company while the founder focuses on innovation […]

By |2024-03-14T18:54:00-07:00March 14th, 2024|

Ten Rules for Highly Effective Meetings

One of my biggest pet peeves is unproductive meetings. In fact, I dislike unproductive meetings so much that I began to study what it takes to facilitate great meetings—and meetings that matter.

Thinking through meeting design and facilitation has been my way of trying to lessen the burden and suffering that I and others experience when we’re stuck in a bad and unproductive meeting.

This list of Ten Rules for Highly Effective Meetings is born from experience and the principles of Organizational Physics. You can apply them to your own meetings and improve them by 30% or more.

Think about that figure for a moment. How much time and energy do you personally spend/waste in meetings each week? And how much does your entire company spend/waste each week? It’s likely a big and costly number.

A change in approach to how you organize and run meetings can have a dramatic impact on your bottom line. Meetings will take less time, consume less energy, and result in better decisions and faster organizational velocity.

Why Have Meetings at All

There’s a lot of noise on the internet right now telling you that the best solution to bad meetings is to get rid of meetings altogether. Slamming meetings isn’t a new trend. Here are two of history’s most prominent management gurus on meetings:

“Meetings are indispensable when you don’t want to do anything.” – John Kenneth Galbraith

“Either you meet or you work. You cannot do both at the same time.” – Peter F. Drucker

I used to be in this “get rid of meetings so we can work camp” too. But I came to a realization. Trying to get rid of meetings, or attempting to automate them away through the use of AI, is like trying to get rid of the […]

By |2024-03-09T04:07:11-08:00March 6th, 2024|

How to Structure Your Business Around AI

Two past coaching clients just reached out to ask me about structuring AI into their companies this week. This tells me it’s time to write an article, so here we go.

One of the principles behind Organizational Physics is that you always want to manage appropriately for the lifecycle stage of the project, product, business, or business unit. First you pilot it, then you nail it, then you scale it. AI adoption is no different.

The Pilot It Stage of AI Adoption: Using GPTs

Most companies are already in the Pilot It stage of AI adoption. Employees, especially innovators and early adopters, are using AI tools to be more productive, but the work itself has not fundamentally changed. This means that your social media marketing manager uses a GPT plug-in to create more social media posts, but their job remains fundamentally the same. It’s the same for software engineers, salespeople, and really any knowledge worker using a GPT. Discovering what different AI tools are capable of is fascinating and a bit unnerving. On their own initiative, the leading edge is researching and deploying their own AI tools and often bringing their findings back to the company.

Of course these discoveries raise plenty of questions and concerns. “Wait… what about data security?” “Wait… what about privacy?” “Wait… does this mean won’t have jobs?” These concerns are valid, yet every thinking person can see that the world has changed. If your company is going to survive and thrive, then it must quickly figure out how to nail AI adoption.

The Nail It Stage of AI Adoption: Building an AI Brain

My coaching clients on the leading edge of AI adoption are all on the same mission right now: to create and leverage their own internal, centralized AI brain. […]

By |2024-01-15T14:03:32-08:00January 15th, 2024|

Who Do We Want to Be and Become as an Organization?

I have found that the way we want to be and become as an organization is shaped by two dimensions.

One area is quantitative goals. This includes things like our top-line revenue goals, profit goals, and measures of excellence in the form of key performance indicators (KPIs). If your company were a human body, think of these things like the objective goals of the brain.

The other area is qualitative goals. These include things like our reason for being, our core vision and values, and why what we do is actually important. If your company were a human body, think of these things like desires of the heart.

Here’s the thing. An integrated human being seeks to align their head with their heart. And this is an ongoing, dynamic process. Alignment is not a one-time event. It’s a constant dance. A person committed to integration adjusts their choices and relationships consciously when they notice a misalignment occurring. Living a life well-lived is all about playing that game.

The same applies to your business. It also has a collective brain and heart. An effective leader is one who can define the current and desired future reality in such a way that it galvanizes the organization’s brain and heart to close the gap—to make the current reality more like the desired future reality.

How to Integrate the Organizational Head and Heart

With Organizational Physics, you can quickly gather perspectives on what should be included in the head and heart of your organization through two survey modules. This is a structured way to gather feedback from your leadership team and other key influencers.

An organization’s “heart” is defined by its company core. The Company Core survey module includes nine questions that define your company’s qualitative objectives and its reason […]

By |2023-12-28T12:52:57-08:00December 28th, 2023|

Organizational Physics / Modern MBA

Modern MBA is a great YouTube channel if you like business stories as much as I do. It examines behind-the-scenes strategic decisions and missteps that led a high-profile company to its current state. Usually, the episodes are entertaining and easy to watch. This episode, “Fried Chicken Wars: The Curse of Popeyes,” was sponsored by Organizational Physics @3:17. Enjoy!

And here’s the link to the Strategic Alignment Guide mentioned in the video.

By |2023-10-08T17:29:20-07:00October 8th, 2023|

Strategic Planning Resources

Will your company hold strategic planning sessions in October/November this year? If that’s the case, I highly recommend these two resources:

See the Strategic Alignment Guide. Use this guide to run a world-class strategic alignment and planning session, including a new and improved SWOT Analysis.

See Designed to Scale Structure Resources. I’ve recently placed all Designed to Scale videos and tutorials in a single source page. Remember, when the strategy changes, change the structure!

I hope you enjoy and get value from these resources. Here’s to a successful 2024 and beyond!



By |2023-09-26T17:45:26-07:00September 26th, 2023|

Introducing AskLEX: Get Best-in-Class Business Coaching and Organizational Transformation with GPT-4

SANTA BARBARA, CA, UNITED STATES, September 17, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — Today, we are thrilled to announce the launch of AskLEX, a groundbreaking chatbot powered by the latest GPT-4 technology, which provides instant access to a comprehensive knowledge base of best practices for leading authentically and growing businesses.

AskLEX is the culmination of over a decade of research and development, bringing together the power of machine learning with the principles and expertise of Organizational Physics founder Lex Sisney. Individuals and organizations can easily access and apply the principles of Organizational Physics with this new tool.

Key Features of AskLEX:

  • Cutting-Edge AI: AskLEX is built upon the GPT-4 platform, the most advanced AI language model available today. This ensures that users receive accurate, up-to-date, and insightful responses to their queries related to Organizational Physics.
  • Comprehensive Knowledge Base: AskLEX hosts an extensive knowledge base that covers the full range of Lex Sisney’s content and philosophies. Users can access information on topics such as authentic leadership, building high-performing teams, setting strategy, designing scalable structures, driving sustained strategic execution, and much more.
  • Instant Expertise: With AskLEX, users can tap into the expertise of Organizational Physics at any time, gaining valuable insights and guidance to enhance their own effectiveness.
  • Personalized Recommendations: The chatbot leverages machine learning to provide personalized recommendations and solutions tailored to specific challenges and objectives.
  • 24/7 Accessibility: AskLEX is available round the clock, making it a valuable resource for individuals and organizations across different time zones and schedules.

AskLEX is set to streamline the way organizations solve their unique business challenges and opportunities. It empowers leaders, managers, and employees to make informed decisions based on the principles of Organizational Physics, ultimately leading to enhanced productivity, engagement, and overall success.

“We are excited to introduce AskLEX to the world,” said Lex Sisney, founder and head coach of Organizational Physics. “Organizational Physics is a powerful […]

By |2023-09-17T11:11:10-07:00September 17th, 2023|
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