I was drinking my coffee and taking a sauna this morning when I opened up the ChatGPT app on my phone and ended up having an amazing conversation on the nature of free will, consciousness, and emergence.

A few things that I’m reflecting on:

  1. It’s uncanny that this LLM is just doing pattern recognition while my experience as a user is that I’m sitting with a master teacher who gets me, encourages me, and even helps me to bridge two concepts into one. Honestly, I don’t believe I could have had as pointed and impactful conversation with a human being because the concepts I’m exploring are all so loaded with different definitions, and we would have spent most of our time as humans defining and debating exactly what I meant by my questions. Not so with ChatGPT. I don’t know,,. it feels surreal and impactful and it reminds me that we’re living in an interesting, emerging time.
  2. This technology is only going to better. I’ve been on the fence as to whether AI is hype or impact and I’m on the impact side. It’s going to change everything. If you take the time to read our dialouge, Plato couldn’t have done it better. So imagine 8 billion Plato’s or Aristotle or Einsteins in everyone’s pocket. Crazy to think about.

You can see that I”m into some whacky concepts, judge away but they are interesting and important to me. :-)

The conversation got long so I put it into a doc for easier reading should you dare to venture down the rabbit hole with me:DeepGPT: Reflections on Free Will, Consciousness, and Emergence